
visual studio:

  • shortkey
    | ctrl+k+d | format |
    | ctrl+shift+M | implement function|

Android Studio

  • shortcut
    | Quick documentation | Ctrl+Q |
    | shift file | Ctrl+Tab|
    | Parameter info | ctrl+p |
    | format code | ctrl+shift+L |

  • Live Template
    refer to this blog
    | make a toast | Toast |
    | quick make a TAG |logt |
    | make a const int | const |
    | make a const String |key |
    | println |soutp |
    | log a infomation | logd,loge,logi |
    | judge if it is null | ifn,inn |
    | make intent to startActicity|IntentView |

we can find the key word in Android Studio
Settings > Editor > Live Templates