My Great Progress

KEYWORDS: GitHub,Stackflow,search for the answer,wallpaper

Yesterday I finally finished a good function in my application.The function is to replace the wallpaper of the desktop of any video.The origin idea is from an application named Wallpaper Engine on the stream.The application sold on the stream is very pupolar around me. Sounds an amazing function but in fact it is very easy.And although maybe the code is simple and not like some big project,I think it is a goog beginning of my work.

As the preparation for the program,I kept looking up relevant information on the Interne.I searched on the stackflow for the answer but everything seems not esay.There is no distinct answer about how to actualize the function.It spent a lot of time searching for the answer.People on the stackflow only give the way to change the wallpaper which cannot actualize the function in my mind.So sadly.

I also searched the msdn for the answer.Unfortunately the approach is what I found on the satckflow.I had no idea where I can find the answer.What I could do is to try my fortune to search the code on the GitHub.I thought the chance is small because how could it be if I cannot find an answer on the stackflow.However it really surprises me that someone build it and show the code on the GitHub.Thanks to GitHUb for its help.And also thanks to the author for his code.

After I got the code,I start reading the project and tried to understand how the author did it.
The project is very simple and I quickly finished reading it.However it seems to make a window and set its size to suit the screen and then set the window’s parent to one window.The process is simple but I don’t know what the theory it is.So I keep search the reason why we code it like that.I try to find the answer on the ZhiHu ——Chinese bigest Ask-Answer community.As expected,the programmers give some answers.And finally I found the right anwer and the answer also provide a link to the CodeProject website where someone gave a prefect answer.The windows show on the Mircosoft Windows are piled up.And The “progam” is the lowest window.Above are other windows including the desktop’ icons.So we only need to set a window’s parent as the layer below the desktop’s icons and cover the wallpaper with my window and play the video on my window.So it works.

It is easy,isn’t it?However it occurs some other problems when I try to actualize it.But I really made it.So I think it is a great progress for me.